This weeks update
over 1 year ago
– Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 01:05:06 AM
Dear backers,
The new version of the PDF is almost ready. I personally prefer this version as it doesn't give anything away and follows an RPG style. I hope you will enjoy playing it with your significant other.
The Pathfinder version is also nearing completion, and I'm aiming to make it available for download through BackerKit next week. I believe it just needs another set of eyes to catch any last-minute typos before distribution.
Once I have everything prepared for printing, I'm aiming to start shipping physical books in October and November.
In the meantime I'm still running The Mists of Crow Attic campaign with Tina. We are almost 80% funded, and we are incredibly grateful for your support.
Thank you
12th of September Update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 10:08:18 AM
Dear Backers,
I wanted to keep you in the loop about what is happening with the game. My new DM is making great progress with the first round of rewrites, and it already looks so much better. He should be finished soon, so the next stage is to get it to my designer. It's very likely that I am going to push the October campaign of Module 2: Elvish Wedding until Module 1 is finalized and tested. I want to make sure that everyone is happy with the first game before I launch the sequel.
I have mentioned that I'm collaborating with my dear friend Tina Glasneck on another DnD module, and we are launching The Mists of Crow Attic on the 15th of September. We are super excited about this new module and all the print extras that we are going to be offering. But before that, though, I'm hoping you can help me look over the page and see if I missed anything. You are always so helpful with this kind of thing, and I really appreciate it.
My co-author Natalie is going to be launching the sequel to Whispers of Primveal Dawn around the mid September too.
A Romantic Mystery Adventure Inspired by Jules Verne for Fifth Edition (DnD/Fantasy RPG)
Thank you very much. Please if you have any questions, let me know!
I made a mistake! Open to receive FREE gifts.
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 04:57:47 AM
Dear backers,
In the past few days, I have received your feedback and based on that, it is apparent that I haven't delivered what I promised—which was supposed to be fun date night with your significant other. The current concept, while strong, is presented as a story and not structured as an adventure. As such, it's more of a flow from scene to scene with the text leading the players. If you're a Dungeon Master, this doesn't give you the necessary foundation to build a session with, as is.
I want to offer a heartfelt apology for this. I have worked with an experienced DM to structure this game, but maybe I should have tested this with other players, too. I really want to make this right, so I have decided that I'm going to work with an experienced, highly rated person who will help me re-write this into a more DND friendly adventure for couples to play together. He read through the PDF and is confident that he can transform this into an enjoyable game for couples.
Hopefully, I can have this finished within two weeks, duly tested, after which I will then start shipping physical books. In the meantime, as a thanks for your patience, I would like to offer a free one-shot adventure that I created with my amazing friend, Tina Glasneck. I also would like to gift you my newest Baba Yaga series of novels. Follow my Shopify link, please add the bundle to the cart, and when you get to check out, this whole bundle will be FREE:
Blood Moon Festival
Baba Yaga's Legacy Series Books 1-3
Again, I extend deepest apologies for this, and will make sure this does not ever happen again.
This week update
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 09:01:50 AM
Dear Backers,
I hope this update finds you well.
I'd like to begin by expressing my gratitude to each of you for your incredible support in this project. To be honest, in the past few weeks, I've had my share of doubts. There have been numerous challenges and obstacles, but I truly appreciate all the kind messages and comments.
Unfortunately, there will be some delays in fulfilling the physical copies. I'm still in the process of setting everything up through DriveThruRPG, and it appears to be quite time-consuming. I'm hopeful that I will be able to commence shipping paperbacks and hardbacks in the coming weeks.
Due to this delay, I'd like to offer you a one-shot adventure that I co-authored. It's a quick romantic module designed for couples to play together. Here is the link to access this adventure:
Cursed Hearts: The Redemption of Grakhul
Roll for Romance PDF Download
I hope you'll enjoy playing this adventure, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can provide. Additionally, I've recently launched another romantic one-shot for just £1, and I'm incredibly grateful to see so many of you supporting this brief digital campaign. It's astonishing that this campaign is already nearly 65% funded. Thank you once again for your support. The PDF for this game will be delivered within two weeks after the campaign concludes.
Take Care
This week update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 12:30:35 AM
Dear Amazing Kickstarter Backers,
I need to apologize for the delays in the fulfillment of physical rewards. Regrettably, I failed to take into account the school holidays here in the UK when initially planning the campaign timeline. My kids will be going back to school in one week. Currently, the workload has been challenging, but nevertheless, I have some updates for you all:
1. Character Sheets Inspired by Jane Austen:
I'm delighted to announce that two meticulously designed character sheets inspired by Jane Austen are now available for digital download. You will shortly receive an email notification with instructions on how to access these dwonloads.
2. Digital Downloads and Maps:
Today, I've added maps to the list of digital offerings. You can look forward to receiving an email with details on how to download these maps very soon.
3. Pathfinder PDF and Physical Rewards (Maps included):
The next item on my agenda is setting up and distributing the Pathfinder PDF. I am actively working on this and plan to have it ready in the coming days. As for the physical rewards, I'm optimistic that this week will see all the print materials set up. Once that's complete, I'll be moving on to shipping your eagerly awaited rewards.
4. Address Updates:
I'm aware that some of you may have had changes to your addresses. Please don't worry about this for a moment. Once I'm ready to start shipping, I'll reach out to you individually to ensure we have the most up-to-date shipping information.
I will continue to keep you updated on our progress, and please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you once again for being incredible backers. Your belief in my project is what makes it all possible.